Forgotten Homework

Ugh a boring bookkeeping post: I haven’t forgotten about my Stock-a-Dungeon jam… it’s just taken more time than anticipated! I thought it would be a couple hour diversion over the summer, and I suppose it could have been, but summer got pretty busy between work and kids, so it got a bit delayed. Now I’ve pretty much lost momentum and moved onto other things, so… let’s not hold our breath for that to show up. But maybe it will show up someday! My players are headed back to the city after months in the countryside, so perhaps I’ll have imminent need for the underground illegal pit-fights/bandit hide-out with death cultists dungeon I cooked up.

Anyway the main purpose of this post was to just address this “unfinished task” from the summer, and demonstrate some signs of life here. I’ve got a bit of free time for the holiday break, so I’ll work to make a more interesting follow-up post in the coming days. But I promise nothing, since it turns out giving myself “blog homework” can be a bit stifling!